Scientific publications
based on Nanoscribe's microfabrication technologies
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This paper presents a groundbreaking splitter for multi-core fibers, fabricated using a Nanoscribe Quantum X shape high-resolution 3D printer. This advancement underscores the precision and versatility of Two-Photon Polymerization in creating intricate photonic components. Such innovations pave the way for future applications in integrated photonics and optical communications, where compact and efficient light management devices are crucial.
Laser & Photonics Review
Ultracompact 3D Splitter for Single-Core to Multi-Core Optical Fiber Connections
T. Baghdasaryan, K. Vanmol, H. Thienpont, F. Berghmans, J. Van Erps
Abstract (excerpt)
This study introduces an unprecedented 3D-printed 1 × 4 splitter for MCFs fabricated with 2-photon polymerization-based direct laser writing. The pivotal element is a triangular cross-section 3D multimode interference (MMI) coupler, supplemented with S-bends and adiabatic tapers to facilitate the splitting of a signal from a single core of a single-mode fiber into four cores of a multi-core fiber. All components are initially designed and assessed to minimize loss and polarization dependence across the C- and L-bands using optical simulation ...
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