3D microfabrication in life sciences

Two-Photon Polymerization (2PP) offers design freedom and highest precision for prototyping and microfabrication of customized biomedical structures, tissues and devices. Bring your applications to life with 2PP-based 3D bioprinting including life cell printing and benefit from truly outstanding 3D microstructures.

Additive manufacturing of high-precision biomedical components

With Nanoscribe’s technology you can print bio-inspired microenvironments at sub-cellular scale, suitable for cell studies and lab-on-a-chip applications. For example, our customers fabricate 3D cell scaffolds to study cell growth, migration or stem cell differentiation, or a 3D microfluidics heart-on-a-chip platform. 2PP based 3D microfabrication also enables the fabrication of biomedical instruments required for minimally invasive operations, such as implants, microneedles and microporous membranes.

Life science applications benefit from the high-resolution 3D printing capabilities of Nanoscribe’s microfabrication systems Quantum X bio and Photonic Professional GT2.

In combination with biocompatible photoresins, such as the low autofluorescent IP-Visio or the soft and flexible IP-PDMS, Nanoscribe offers the solutions for your life science innovations. Our microfabrication systems are open material platforms and support a broad range of customized materials ranging from biocompatible, cell binding or repelling, hydrophobic and hydrophilic resins, to hydrogels and resins containing nanoparticles. With our Quantum X bio and suitable bioinks containing living cells, you will master live cell printing with ease.

Life sciences
application opportunities

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