Locations worldwide

As a spin-off of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Nanoscribe is headquartered in Karlsruhe. In 2018 and 2019 the subsidiaries Nanoscribe China Co., Ltd. in Shanghai (China) and Nanoscribe Inc. in Boston (MA, USA) were founded. The expansion of Nanoscribe to a total of three locations provides the optimal conditions to drive innovations for 3D microfabrication and to offer highly professional sales and service worldwide. Together with the subsidiaries in the Asia-Pacific region and on the American continent, this creates a lively exchange with customers and partners. The close cooperation on site underlines Nanoscribe’s role as a global player in an international network.

Nanoscribe GmbH Germany

Karlsruhe, Germany

In January 2020, Nanoscribe moved into its new headquarters in the ZEISS Innovation Hub @KIT. At the gates of Campus North of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the new headquarters houses facilities to develop and produce the next generation of industrial microfabrication equipment.

Microfabrication Experience Center
The premises are equipped with high-tech laboratories, modern production and office space and host the Microfabrication Experience Center. On a net floor area of more than 4,200 m², high-tech chemistry and technology laboratories have been designed and equipped to provide an optimal R&D workplace.

Visit us in Karlsruhe!
Nanoscribe GmbH & Co. KG, Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 6, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
Phone +49 721 981 980 0, info@nanoscribe.com

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Location plan ZEISS Innovation Hub @KIT

Nanoscribe China office building

Shanghai, China

With Nanoscribe China Co. Ltd., Nanoscribe strengthens its sales activities in China, reinforces existing business relationships, and further expands customer services across the entire APAC-Pacific region. The subsidiary is at a state-of-the-art location with sufficient space to accommodate growth within the facilities of Carl ZEISS AG.

Nanoscribe AsiaLab
With the AsiaLab located in the building and thanks to a well-trained service team, Nanoscribe can bring the latest advances in 3D microfabrication much closer to customers in the region. Nanoscribe also offers product demonstrations for potential customers, training for staff and distributors, and advanced user trainings.

Visit us in Shanghai!
Nanoscribe China Co., Ltd. , 1106A, Building B, 391 Guiping Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China
Phone +86 135 1215 1378, E-Mail china@nanoscribe.com

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Nanoscribe Inc.

Boston, US

With the subsidiary in the USA, Nanoscribe is further expanding its sales and service activities on the American continent. Nanoscribe opened its first office in the Boston area in 2019. Nanoscribe can now react even more flexibly and offer direct support to US customers. Many top American universities already rely on Nanoscribe's 3D microfabrication technology, including Harvard University and Boston University in Massachusetts, Stanford University and the California Institute of Technology in California. For Nanoscribe the United States are a strong sales market with growth potential.
Our office in Arlington is just outside of the hectic inner city and in a short drives distance to our local prospects as well as to the airport. It offers a meeting ground with conference rooms and private office.

Visit us!
Nanoscribe Inc. Office, 1167 Massachusetts Ave,
Arlington, MA, 02476, United States of America

Phone +1 857 444 4007, sales@nanoscribe.com

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